Lower back pain is one of the most common afflictions in our modern life. The principles of thai massage may offer a solution for those with some understanding of anatomy and body awareness.

Seven common muscles involved in low back pain

Managing lower back pain using Thai Massage principles
  • Gluteus Medius
  • Iliocostalis Lumborum
  • Iliocostalis Thoracis
  • Iliopsoas
  • Longissimus Thoracis
  • Multifidi
  • Quadratus Lumborum

Thai Massage uses the concept of channels/ SEN to provide a framework of identifying the original cause of the pain. Of them SEN Kalathari connects several of the muscles involved in low back pain.  See SEN Kalathari map in the graphic.

Gluteus Medius is one of the most important causes of low back pain. Thai Massage also offers an easy way to manage pain and is extremely useful for therapist and  yoga instructors to apply in the context of self healing. This exercise below can help deactivate Trigger Points (marked in black) on this muscle shown below.

Pain Problems?

Chronic pain? Need help? Jump online and I can help you with identifying your pain patterns and prescribing specific exercises to keep your pain away.

Click here for online pain consultation